Serbian as a Non-mother Tongue
Serbian as a Non-mother Tongue is a compulsory subject in primary and secondary schools that work in one of our national-minority languages in Serbia. Center for Serbian as a Foreign Language participated in creation of useful materials for teaching Serbian as a Non-mother Tongue.
Here you can find some of those materials:
- Opšti standardi postignuća za predmet Srpski kao nematernji jezik/ General Achievement Standards for the Subject Serbian as a Non-mother Tongue
- Preporučena leksika za predmet Srpski kao nematernji za prvi ciklus obrazovanja/ Recommended lexis for the subject Serbian as a non-mother tongue for the first cycle of education
- Preporučena leksika za predmet Srpski kao nematernji za drugi ciklus obrazovanja/ Recommended lexis for the subject Serbian as a non-mother tongue for the second cycle of education
- Preporučena leksika za predmet Srpski kao nematernji za treći ciklus obrazovanja/ Recommended lexis for the subject Serbian as a non-mother tongue for the third cycle of education
- Primeri uspešnih časova Srpskog kao nematernjeg jezika/ Serbian as a Non-mother Tongue Classes Examples